Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Clawfoot Tub Fixtures

Normally when we think of clawfoot tubs we are carried to the age of Jane Austen. When ladies wore dresses each day and didn't do anything but recite poetry, play music, and sew and men spent all their time hunting and talking about politics. The period when there was no electricity and running water.

We are grateful to have the ability to have plumbing pipes heat and carry us the water we need - but why not do it in elegance like the old days? These bathing tubs are much more graceful and classic in appearance then the common bathing tub that is found in homes. Although they are more pricey they are well worth the cost.

But no clawfoot tub would be complete without the essential fixtures to make sure that it is working properly. Without these the bathing tub cannot work properly and will misplace some of its attraction. These fixtures assist to give it an exquisite look and make it easier to utilize then your common bath.

There are a variety of faucets that you can get get and they are supplied in contrasting sizes and designs. One of the most common is the extended faucet that is long and drapes easily over one side of the bath. This helps to give it a rather exquisite look to and is often in copper.

Another popular faucet that is utilized is the hand shower. This piece is very favorable to use when the bathing tub stands alone. It is attached to a long chord that lets you to reach and wash off your back. It is also quite refined and sets in a particular stoop on the top of the tub.

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