Saturday, December 11, 2010

CWC's Second Message - The Re-Cut

Christian Chandler shocked critics when he spoke out against those that hate on him. Unfortunately, we believe that his presentation negatively impacted his message. Thus, for your consideration, enjoy CWC's Second Message: The Re-Cut --- I, Christian W. Chandler, would like to take the oppertunity to present an open message to the world. For those of you that aren't familiar with myself and my varied exploits, I am the creator of the much-vaunted Sonichu: The Electric Hedgehog Po-key-mon. I stand before you to, hopefully, explain my situation and make you better aware of the undue stress that have been levied against my personage. Not unlike the siege of Carthage during the Sicilian Wars, the myriad Internet detractors with whom I'm forced to engage on a daily basis is bewildering and wholly unnecessary. I can't help but to feel pity for those that would make light of my issues as a means of finding enjoyment. Just think about it: you're making light of someone else's pain, someone else's lone-lee-ness, still on my quest to find a boyfriend-free girl. You think I'm some sap? A chump, a dumbass? Whatever you may think, know this: it is you that is truly loathsome. Additionally, let me address those of you that want to compare me to a character on Family Guy: that sophomoric, entirely formulaic animated television programme that caters to children and the mentally infirm. Your comparisons are invalid. If anything, it is my detractors that are the pedophiles. On a similar ...

keen targhee ii


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