Friday, February 18, 2011

Joe's Fan Interest [Chapter 21]

--Demi's Side. I looked her up and down, not recongnizing her at all. I looked just alittle closer, thinking that she looked like one. "Your A nothing Demi, You don't deserve him at all!" She yelled more at me, I was still confused to as if who she was. My eyes squinted alittle,"What not recongnize me?" she asked in a bitchy tone. I Shook my head alittle,"Amy..." I slightly shook my head just alittle bit more,"From School, you idiot!" It then remembered who she was. Amy Blackwell, The ''Popular'' one in our grade, Everyone ''loved'' her. ''Never'' talked behind her back. Everyone wanted to be her ''friend''. I scoffed,"Bye." Turning around looking at the boys performance and the crowd still going wild. The Thing I hated the most about Amy is she always picked on me during school. I remembered the first Jonas Shirt I wore, Joe's beautiful face on the front, She walked up in the middle of the cafateria, telling me her daddy toured with them and me wearing the shirt made Joe look ugly. I simply shook it off replying with a simple, whatever and turning around. She then grabbed a carton of milk pouring it over the top of my head along with that days special chille. Everyone laughed at me as I ran to the bathroom crying my eyes out. She was right I guess, I was simly a nobody. I never had many friends in school, and when I did they would all move away. I used to have this best friend in pre-k until he moved away, and from that day on I promised never to get close to anybody ...

hitching post


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