Tuesday, July 27, 2010

fire marshall bill

Fire Marshal Bill Burns is one of the most popular fictional characters to emerge from the sketch comedy show In Living Color. He was portrayed by actor Jim Carrey and appeared in 10+ sketches. He is the only character to appear consistently throughout all 5 seasons of ILC. A common sketch would be for Fire Marshal Bill to appear unexpectedly then show how unsafe ordinary activities were by showing himself engaging in off-the-wall, dangerous activities which he responded with "LEMME SHOW YA SOMETHIN!!!!" Examples included where he warned against drinking cocktails on a cruise liner because it would be dangerous if one was holding a vial of hydrochloric acid in the other hand. The climax of the sketch occurred when he would perform the most destructive act involving explosives which would inevitably destroy the set, only to have people running for their lives and his response '"Do not panic, I am a fire marshal!" before the expected destruction. Despite sometimes losing limbs(in one sketch, only his head was left) Fire Marshal Bill was never killed, as he was then seen among those forced out of the destroyed structure. His immortality also lends itself to long life as he apparently performed the same standard of service as a fire marshall on the Titanic as in his own words "Unsinkable? I showed them". The character is widely known to have been modeled as a caricature of Mr. Rogers. The idea was suggested to Carrey by longtime friend and fellow actor Daniel Lichtblau. "Fire ...

task chair


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