Friday, July 30, 2010

IWKY: The Pleasure Of Breaking You || 13__2 || MM: 10/10

[[Joe's Room]] Demi:*walks in and shuts the door behind her, she stares at them mess in front of her* what the hell did he do in here!? Joe:*walks out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist as steam from the shower follows him* what? Demi:*turns* huh? Joe:*looks at her weirdly* its a good thing your hott for your age, Demi. otherwise you'll only be known for your creepo ways. Demi:jerk. Joe:*smiles* thank you, Demi. i know im hott. Demi:*rolls eyes* what'd you do in here? i cleaned only two days ago. Joe:*shrugs* Demi:*sighs and begins making his bed* Joe:*walks over, behind her* Demi:dont even think about touching me, Joe. Joe:*smirks* how'd you know? Demi:ha! you'll either touch my ass. touch my ass. or touch my ass. *fixing his pillows* Joe:*chuckles* okay. but arent you even a bit attracted to me right now, considering i dont have anything on under this towel? Demi:*turns, but stumbles a bit considering he was so close* if anything, im disgusted. Joe:and thats how you thank someone who made your job a whole lot easier. DEmi:oh yeah. and you said i was making it obvious. Joe:a simple thank you, would be fine, Demi. Demi:sure, sure. Joe:did you lock the door? Demi:well duh. why? Joe:*pulls her against him by her waist and grins* i missed you. Demi:uh huh, sure. now can i get back to making your bed? Joe:mm.. *kisses her* not yet. *smiles* i need my morning make out session. Demi:i dont think so. we're at your house. Joe:mm.. fine. but.. *he kisses her making it ...

keen targhee ii teva flip flops hitching post


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